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Lawrence Bird, PhD, BArch



Lawrence Bird, PhD (History and Theory, McGill 2009), MSc (CDSS, London 2000), BArch (McGill 1991), is Architect (MAA) and City Planner (MCIP) at Sputnik Architecture, sessional instructor at University of Manitoba, and a media artist. He writes on space and its image, art and place. Co-author of “Warming Huts: a decade + of art and architecture on ice” (Dalhousie Architectural Press, 2021), he has published on representations of geographic space including “Un-Earths: disorientation, landscape, and the technical map," in Paisajes artificiales: virtuales, informales y edificados, (Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colección estética contemporánea, 2020) and “Territories of Image: disposition and disorientation in Google Earth,” in Imaging the City – art, creative practices and media speculation (Intellect Press, 2016). His dissertation addressed images of the city in Japanese film. His role in Para-Doxa will be investigation of case studies, culturally specific understanding of architecture dis-placed from Japan, and elaboration of theory of metaphor.     


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